Thursday, August 17, 2006

Are you balding?

"Why do people bald, and why more men are affected compared to women?"

It is estimated that 50% of men develop "male pattern hair loss" (known medically as androgenetic alopecia) at some point in their lives. The main cause of balding involves the miniaturization of scalp hair follicles in site-specific areas.

So why some men have lush abundant locks while some start shedding in their 20's? Blame it on your gene. Male pattern hair loss is due to a genetic predisposition being translated by a hormonal mechanism. Current evidence indicates that dihydrotestosterone (DHT) (a hormone which is higher in males, the so-called "male hormone") is the culprit.

How do you grade the severity of your balding? Fret not. ҜαίخόρЋЯзпїα™ presents you the Hamilton-Norwood grading for androgenetic alopecia (AGA):
Mild: pattern I and II
Moderate: pattern IIa to IV
Severe: pattern IVa to VII

One example of the many popular personalities being plaqued by androgenetic alopecia is the famous blogger ShaolinTiger. He's Grade IV Grade IIIa!

Despite the many circulating myths, men suffering from AGA can be attractive too!

The onset of AGA may be any time after puberty and may be apparent by age 17 in normal Caucasian males and 25-30 years in normal Caucasian females.
In our Asian context, the prevalence of AGA in Chinese is less common than in Caucasians (phew!), milder and of later onset .
Japanese males for instance develop AGA 10 years later than Caucasoids and have 1.4 times less AGA in each decade of life.

Currently, the only pharmacological agents that are scientifically proven effective are oral Finasteride and Minoxidil sprays.

Examples of Minoxidil sprays available in the local market.

The setbacks of Minoxidil:
(1) It is expensive. A bottle costs RM 120-180, and lasts approxmately 1 ½ to 2 months.
(2) Need to apply twice per day: morning and night. Need discipline.
(3) Treatment duration is indefinite (lifelong). On stopping, all new hairs shed within 3-6 months.

The setbacks of oral Finasteride:
(1) Treatment duration is indefinite (lifelong). On stopping finasteride, the regrown hair persists, but the balding process resumes.
(2) Possible side effects, which are rare, include: ejaculation disorder; breast
tenderness and enlargement; hypersensitivity reactions including rash, pruritus, urticaria, and swelling of the lips and face; and testicular pain.

Who to see if you have AGA?
Be sure to consult your doc before starting any medications. Any competent family doctors are able to make the diagnosis. You may want to see a dermatologist if you're loaded. The treatments for now are essentially the same.

Females are affected too!

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